
5 ways to reduce plastics in gels and shampoos

Neither single-dose nor polluting plastic containers. Free yourself from toxins in your bathroom, bet on healthy, natural and sustainable cosmetics with you and the planet and take one more step towards zero waste.


In the last ten years, we have produced more plastic than in all of human history. This material derived from petroleum, so cheap and so accessible, accompanies us everywhere: it far exceeds the ranking of packaging for all kinds of supermarket products, we find it in toys, decoration and construction objects, in our clothes, in household appliances, in detergents and soaps, in vehicle components, in pipes and accessories and a long etcetera of objects and tools that make our daily lives much easier.

We know that it is not a healthy or sustainable material , since, even if we throw it into the yellow container or take it to the recycling point, most of its waste does not end up being recycled but accumulates as toxic waste in the most disparate corners of the planet (a often as garbage ). From the seabed , to forests, coasts or landfills. But its use is so massive and so normalized that  trying to live without plastic is going to mean a considerable effort and a long-distance race that we will not achieve in a few days. So, so as not to get frustrated by demanding that we generate a zero residue Overnight, we can start at the beginning: reducing and eliminating at least single-use plastics and many of which are used as packaging.

How to start our race towards zero waste or a shower free of plastic products? In addition to going without hesitation to cosmetics and ecological hygiene products , free of all kinds of toxins such as silicones or parabens and created from non-polluting raw materials, we propose a path with 5 steps, starting with the one that It will be easier and more affordable and ending with the most ecological option possible, although not always the most feasible … Be that as it may, any of them will allow you to consume much more kindly with yourself and with the planet, so, although you get to point 5, any of these alternatives will be much better than continuing to consume without paying attention to the waste we generate … Will you join us?

Start by prioritizing family size or XL

No sample envelopes, single-use applications, non-recyclable travel containers or small bottles. The first step, and the easiest and cheapest, is to bet whenever you can on 1-liter containers of gels and shampoos that will last much longer and, proportionally, will generate much less waste. (In fact, in recent years, we celebrate that many hotels have already eliminated pods from their bathrooms.)

Products packaged with alternative materials to plastic

Although, with the exception of deodorants, oils and facial creams, glass is not a material used in cosmetic products, there are some that come packaged in alternative materials such as recycled plastic, bioplastic or sugar cane , they are recyclable. Read the labels and practice mindful shopping!

Buy in bulk

Many organic or natural cosmetics stores already have sources to recharge bottles and reduce plastics and packaging. In this article , we explained how L’Occitane en Provence did it, but you will also find other specific shops for cosmetic, hygiene and bulk cleaning products . Find out which one you have close to home!

Shampoos and solid gels

Did you know that with a single pill you can save up to 6 bottles of shampoo? The tablets of solid soap are a product of a lifetime, useful and cheaper, not only because you can use for your hands but also as a body wash or shampoo and hair conditioner , with such good results as others.

Luckily, more and more are being used, so the offer for all skin and hair types is also increasingly diverse: Biosakure (the one in the photo), Lush, Matarrania, Inuit Soap or Kia Ora are some of our favorites.

Do it yourself

We have reached the final destination of the zero waste philosophy : the station of self-sufficiency and home recipes. If you have already dared to prepare your own homemade masks with ingredients as natural as avocado, coconut oil, cucumber, coffee, honey or yogurt, why not do the same with toothpaste, deodorant or shampoo? You will find a thousand and one types of preparations on the net, suitable for all kinds of needs and, of course, toxic-free. Of course, make sure that the raw materials are of high quality and that you do not buy them in plastic containers.

In short, it may take some time to prepare them and you may not always have it or feel like it, but we assure you that it engages, that it will allow you to take a much more active role in your self-care and that, in addition, you will greatly reduce your spending in cosmetics. Test it!


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