
Do you clean yourself too much?

Too much hygiene is not good for your skin. We explain what is the right measure

Showering more than once a day for a long time and applying excessively products with a high content of emulsifiers, detergents or perfumes can harm us. Specifically, the lipid mantle of the skin, which protects it from external aggressions, and thus is exposed and could suffer various pathologies or aggravate sensitive skin.

Irritative dermatitits. It takes place by contact with an irritating substance, such as soaps, cleaning products or dyes, which tend especially to dry out. Good hydration is recommended for people who, for example due to their work, are exposed to this risk.

Dermatitis allergic contact. It occurs when the skin overreacts to a certain substance. It can develop against cosmetics such as gels or perfumes, but there is also the so-called aquagenic urticaria, that is, allergy to water, which is usually characterized by the appearance of hives, itches and hives.

Atopia . If you have atopic skin, with dryness, itching and irritation, your showers should be very short and always opt for products that do not generate too much foam.

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